

Dec 03, 2023

Speaking of Religion: Are we surrounded?

Marsh often finds himself surrounded by the Great Cloud of his family in heaven.

The Bible's letter to the Hebrews warns its readers that, "We are surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses." Now sometimes when I have done things that others disliked I found myself surrounded by people watching me and passing judgment. Other times I’ve had nosey neighbors who simply enjoyed keeping an eye on me. On other occasions I have been carefully watched out of love by someone who wanted to keep me safe.

But the Bible here suggests a DIFFERENT cloud of people surrounding us. In that letter to the Hebrews we hear of women and men whose lives and faith could inspire us (fill us with Spirit). From Moses to Rahab to Jesus we are urged to remember their awesome lives and let them motivate us. We, like them, can stand tall and step up with God to face the trials and challenges of our personal lives, of our nation and our world. Like them we can depend on the company, care and power of the Divine to work with us. Some faith communities invite us to look to inspiring people of faith on saint's days throughout the year (think of St. Patrick's day, St. Valentine's Day…) and on All Saints’ Day.

Who are the people who have strengthened and shaped YOUR life for the good? How did they influence your life so far?

Several years ago I went on a weekend retreat where Doug and Fran Schoeninger invited us to ask the Holy Spirit to show us a person or persons who are praying for us in heaven. I had never seriously considered that someone might pray for me from eternity, but I closed my eyes and prayed… Immediately I saw in my prayer vision the man I called Uncle Chet. He was the person who taught me to pray. He had died several years earlier but WAS it possible that death could not stop him from praying for me? Maybe you’d like to ask God to show you who might be praying for you today?

Many Christians believe in the Communion of Saints. I have often pictured these people surrounding the inside of our church when we share communion: people who have shaped the spirit of our church like Mr. Ball, who pastored our Fair Haven church 50 years, and members who have stepped into eternity more recently. For me, these visions of saints encircling us for communion offer a powerful sense of the strength that God sends to us through the people in our world and beyond.

Another aspect of the communion of saints has been the awareness of the continuing influence of family members who have completed their earthly life. (See the photo above.) I sense the ways I carry forward their gifts and energy: the entrepreneurial gifts of my "Papper," the assertive strength of my Irish grandmother that pushes me to stand up for what is right, the humble love for everyone that was my Grammie Knapp, and the playful spirit of my Grampie Knapp. Lately I have been more aware of my Dad's character in my own life.

If you watch Finding Your Roots you witness ways that our ancestors shape who we are even before we realize the fact. These folks open possibilities for us and show us who can become.

Even more, we are surrounded by the people we meet every day – people like YOU who listen to us with genuine compassion, who pour out your lives for our community and world.

All of these folks compose that GREAT CLOUD of witnesses who day after day bless our life journeys, especially when we notice their influence. Are we surrounded? YES!

We ourselves can also surround others, especially those who are vulnerable. We can encourage and affirm them and their efforts to live a life worth living! May all of us play our part in the Great Cloud of Witnesses to the active, awesome life of God all around us!

Marsh Hudson-Knapp has found people who surround him with love and readiness to work for the well-being of others in the Greater Bennington Interfaith Council. Perhaps you will want to explore the faith communities which are a part of this group. For more information email Marsh at [email protected].


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